We’ve reached that time of year again; it’s dark at 5pm, the thermals have come out of hibernation and we know exactly how many sleeps it is ‘til Santa comes.
That’s right, Winter is upon us.
But, if you’re not willing to give in to the cold just yet, I have teamed up with Last Night of Freedom who have rounded up their top five activities to keep you moving this Winter.

If you think you’ve got the bottle, this adrenaline-fuelled Bridge Swinging activity in Bratislava is certainly one for the brave. Like bungee jumping but with a twist, you’ll swing via a rope from the 25 metre bridge over the picturesque Danube.
The dizzy heights may send a chill through your bones, but the adrenaline pumping through your veins will bring some colour to your cheeks, that’s for sure.
It may be pretty cool during a Poznan Winter, with temperatures regularly dipping to -6°C, but you’ll certainly be warm rattling through the snow on a husky drawn sledge. This unique experience will give you and your best friend the opportunity to wrap up warm, climb aboard a professionally built sledge and be pulled over the snow topped landscape by nothing less than a pack of huskies.
Your morning commute just won’t feel the same after this.

Sitting by a roaring fire with a mulled wine is the epitome of this season, but you can take the warmth of the fire one step further with this once in a lifetime activity. With your very own professional instructor, you and your mates can learn the extremely impressive art of fire breathing in Amsterdam. Starting with water (as a warm up, so to speak), you’ll soon get your confidence, and progress onto breathing the actual fire up into the air like a real-life dragon.
If this doesn’t warm you up this Winter, I don’t know what will.