A Midweek Dartmoor Adventure

A few weeks ago I headed to Exeter, in Devon, for the day.

I love Exeter, it’s a beautiful part of the country and one I visited regularly whilst at university in Plymouth.

​It’s busy, modern and most importantly, only half an hour from my favourite spot in the UK…

Dartmoor, one of our most famous National Parks.Home to the largest concentration of bronze age remains in the whole UK, standing stones, and a number of myths and legends not to mention the famous ‘Hound of the Baskervilles’.

It even has two ‘mountains‘ – Yes Tor and High Willhays are both above 2000ft.

As a child I spent a year living in Buckfast and so we were out on the moor regularly.

Dartmeet, specifically, holds fond memories of family days out, including one time my Grandad was trying to show off on the stepping stones, before disappearing in to the River Dart and coming out somewhat soaked!

As a teenager, I joined the Sea Cadet Corps, and it was on Dartmoor that I learned to navigate with my trusty Ordnance Survey maps and a compass. I undertook expedition training here, prepared for my Duke of Edinburgh Award and completed the Ten Tors Challenge.


As a student at Plymouth University, I’d be up on the moors as much as I could.

​At the time I was planning on joining the Royal Navy after graduation (how things & knees change) and so I thought if I prepped as much as possible, it would be good for fitness levels!

And so when I was finished in Exeter, I headed to the moors once more.

As ever, I was not disappointed.

​The moors were frozen, empty and windswept, but by making the most of the opportunity to GetOutside I was rewarded with this beautiful sunset.

Of course, you’re never truly alone on Dartmoor… 

It has some very famous residents.

It’s so easy to get to Dartmoor and you can walk the entire moor (but do check if live firing is being undertaken if you’re planning to walk near Okehampton, as this land is owned by the MOD and nobody wants to be shot at when they’re trying to have a nice day out).

There’s also so much to do if you don’t want to walk. You could visit the famous Dartmoor Zoo, take a train journey on the South Devon Railway, rock climb or even go hunting pixies!

If you’re stuck for ideas, then check out this blog by fellow OS GetOutside Champions Two Blondes Walking who know more about the moors than anyone I’ve ever met! The official tourism website for Dartmoor is packed with ideas too!

Have you visited Dartmoor? Where are your favourite spots? Would you like to visit? Where is your favourite place to GetOutside?