No, you’re not about to read a Buzz Lightyear themed post, as awesome as that would be.
The background to this post?
I won Top Adventure/Outdoor Blog in The Activity People Blogger Awards 2017 and could pick an activity of my choice as a prize.
And so, on Friday I ticked another item off the never-ending bucket list and so, thanks to Jump This, I was able to jump out of a perfectly working aircraft at 15,000ft over Old Sarum in WIltshire 🙂

As I’m currently raising money for The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, I decided to use the opportunity to try and raise some more funds to get young people involved with DofE and help them start their own adventures!Closer to my jump date I was offered the chance to include someone else at a reduced price, and so my brother came along for the ride, quite literally.
We arrived at Old Sarum Airfield at 0900 and had our induction, safety briefing and got kitted out. We also grabbed something to eat as jumping on an empty stomach is a big no-no!
We eventually got a break in the weather around midday and hopped on the plane!

We took off and climbed to 10,000ft (the height we were booked in to jump from) and two people hopped out… the door was then shut and we continued to climb. I was confused at this point as we hadn’t paid to upgrade to 15,000ft!
I spoke to my instructor and he said that because one of our cameramen was jumpmaster and had to be on the aircraft til everybody was out, it meant that we got the free upgrade, basically.
I wasn’t complaining. Extra skydiving time was ok with me!
We finally reached 15,000ft and shuffled across the floor of the aircraft, ready to jump!

I loved it, so so much.
I would 100% do it again and the guys at Go Skydive were absolutely brilliant!
If this post has made you want to jump out of a plane, then head over to Jump This and find somewhere near you! It’s not cheap at around £250 but I can guarantee it will be the experience of a lifetime and you won’t regret it!
The only thing I will add is that you should check with the company before you jump as some have strict medical guidelines. Previous injuries/medications etc will need a letter signing off from a Dr first!