As someone who loves to travel, I like to do so safely…
Not in the sense that I won’t do the crazy thing that everyone perceives to be dangerous (and usually isn’t), but in the sense that I want to come home with most, if not all, of my belongings and limbs intact!
When I was sent The Travel Survival Guide to review, I was unsure what to expect. I’ve read lots of travel books over the years, but they do all seem to share the same tips. Whilst most these are common sense, it’s the things you may not have considered that catch you out. Especially in an emergency situation. That’s where this book comes into its own.
When I go away, I know not to flash expensive bits of tech around, I know to be wary in new places after dark (though have actually never faced any issues anywhere other than Plymouth) and I know to be cautious in vehicles that don’t look safe. I like to think I’m pretty savvy. I put a lot of this down, not to a vast travelling knowledge, but the fact I used to work in the security industry, creating risk assessments for people heading to locations that aren’t really on any holidaymakers bucket list!
Whilst this book covers the standard travel safety topics, it also covers things that appeal to those of us who want to head off to far flung, remote locations one day! Lloyd Figgins, the author, works in risk and crisis management and, as an expedition leader, traveller and security advisor, can add a fresh perspective that many other authors can’t.
Hopefully, none of us are ever kidnapped on our trips, but it has happened and does so more regularly than you might think. Lloyd covers what to do if you are, but more importantly how to avoid it. He also covers topics such as terrorism and what to do if you find yourself caught up in an attack whilst away, vehicle safety and what to do if a natural disaster strikes… Something many were caught out by last year in the Caribbean.
With useful, matter of fact information as well as personal anecdotes which, I’ll be honest, range from scary to hilarious, this guide delivers information in a way that makes you want to read on, want to take in the facts and, more importantly feel confident that you know what to look out for in those more questionable ‘holiday’ locations!
Whether you’re off to Spain or the jungles of South America, it doesn’t matter, as these tips really do apply to every location. Being able to recognise warning signs, prevent issues and cope with emergencies is key, and I’m a firm believer that failing to prepare, is preparing to fail.
In short, this book is bloody brilliant and I would 100% recommend everyone take a read of it!