There’s nothing like getting away from your home and setting sail on your travels. There’s so much of this planet to explore, and sitting around in the same old location for years and years shouldn’t be something to aspire to – unless you have a VERY good reason! They say that travel broadens the mind, and you have so much learning to do – travelling is a great way of enriching yourself to a high degree.
If you’re someone that absolutely wants to head off to somewhere and experience all kinds of new and amazing things, then you probably would have researched a ton of information regarding this stuff. Something that you should also take into account is the safety aspect. You’re out of your comfort zone (which is absolutely a good thing!) when you’re away from your home and your country, so keeping yourself healthy may be a little more challenging than usual. It is pretty simple to do, however – it’s just a case of preparing and being sensible. Here are seven points that you should probably follow if you’re soon to be heading abroad for a while.
Have A Solid Plan
If you know exactly what you’re heading into, then you’re going to be of sound mind before, during, and after. It’s good to get out of your comfort zone, but you do need a solid structure around most things. Heading out into the wilderness (for lack of a better term) with just the clothes on your back is pretty dumb. Jumping into new areas of life without any guidance can leave you pretty scarred mentally if things go wrong. Keep yourself nice and calm throughout; research everything and plan out what you’re going to do.
Head To The Doctor
Before you head anywhere far away, you’re going to want to head to the doctor’s office and have a little chat with him or her. Even if it’s just precautionary, you’ll want to make the trip there; you never know what might happen to you while you’re away. You may be completely fine where you are now, but this earth is cruel at the best of times, so you may become infected while you’re on your travels. In terms of medication, usually malarone is recommended for many places where the threat of malaria is abundant, so you’ll want to check if something like that is necessary for you. Many trips to faraway areas require vaccinations a few weeks prior to embarking.
Don’t Argue!
If you’re travelling on your own, then it’s pretty obvious that you shouldn’t get testy with random passers-by or people that are serving you! In all seriousness, we’re talking about getting along with the people you’re travelling with. You’re going to be stuck with them for a while, and you have nowhere else to go – you’re basically handcuffed with them, so you’ll want to make sure you don’t fall out over the smallest of issues. It’s very easy to lose your temper with a close one over absolutely nothing. Try to avoid any aggression or emotional outbursts.
Eat And Drink Enough
No, we’re not talking about alcohol – although, if you do drink, you’ll probably be taking in quite a bit! What we mean here is that you should take in lots of water during the trip. You obviously need to do that every single day of your life, but in new surroundings with crazy weather, you’re going to need to be hydrated. You may struggle mentally at times, so water would be necessary. It goes without saying that you should eat enough because you’re going to need all the energy in the world for an experience like this!
Get Enough Sleep!
We’ll follow up on the point about gathering as much energy as possible by talking about the amount of sleep you should be getting. It’s not exactly going to be as easy – everyone prefers their own bed – but the experience is going to be a lot better, and your mind will be in a much better place if you have enough rest. You may see some things that you don’t want to take your eyes off, but don’t neglect that much-needed shut-eye!
Don’t Let Your Guard Down
You probably won’t, to begin with, but it’s very easy for someone to get complacent once comfort starts to kick in. When things get a little easier, you should still have your mind focused on keeping safe and healthy. You never know what kinds of problems may occur.
*collaborative post